With Tamiya introducing their LP line of paints, you’ll be seeing alot more model kits calling out these instead of the older TS paints. That’s all great, however some of us have a overstock of TS paints and, in all honesty, haven’t jumped into the airbrush world just yet.
For those of us that would like to keep using the their TS rattle cans, we’ve got this handy chart from the official Tamiya site – the LP Paint Color Compatibility Chart. This chart lists all of the LP paints and matches them up to their Acrylic, Enamel, TS and AS equivalents (where applicable). It’s handy for kits like Tamiya’s new Porsche 911 GT3 RS that calls out a LOT of LP paints – which we don’t have – but DO have the TS equivalents.
Anyway, here’s the chart. We’ve also added the PDF version to download for later use.
PDF: Tamiya LP Paint Color Compatibility Chart